It is very important to make a business plan to finalize all the plans from manufacturing detergent powder to selling the product in the market. This business requires about 5-6 lakh rupees, from where and how will the capital be arranged for it, 1000 to 1500 square feet of land will be required, you will also have to get construction work done in it.
To run the machines installed there, a three-phase power connection is needed, water is needed, the land should be on the roadside, machines are needed, experienced skilled and unskilled workers are also needed, raw material has to be purchased, packets have to be arranged for packing, expenses on marketing etc. should be included in the business plan. Want to get best business ideas so connect with the verified companies and choose best data providing companies in India for companies database list. How will the land be taken and how will the product be manufactured and sold in the market. A strategy for this action should be made and noted in the business plan. So that if you need it in the future, you can read it and take your work forward in the right way. This will run your business well.
Which licenses are required?
If you want to avail government facilities, then you will have to get registered with MSME/SSI and get Udyog Aadhar. You will have to follow the rules and conditions of the central, state and local administration. If your business comes under the purview of GST, then you will have to get a GST number for it. Due to employing workers, you will also have to register the firm with the Labor Department, EPF and ESI.
Apart from this, if you want to keep the name of your product different from the name of the company, then you will have to follow a separate legal process for it. You will have to name your product. That too will have to be registered with the Industry Department apart from the Registrar of Companies. If after your product becomes a brand, you want that no other person can take illegal advantage by using your brand name, then you will have to get a trade mark for it.
Which machines are required?
There is no need for a long list of machines to make detergent powder. For this, four selected machines are required.
1. First mixer machine: Which is used to mix the raw material together
2. Second scrambling machine: This machine is used to grind the detergent powder and also to dry it
3. Third machine: This machine is used to sift the detergent powder and prepare uniform granules
4. Packing machine: Packets are packed with this machine. There are two types of this machine. One is semi-automatic machine and the other is automatic machine.
a) In semi-automatic machine, after weighing the packet, the sealing work has to be done manually.
b) In automatic machine, pouches of different weights are put. Powder of that weight is automatically filled in the packet through the machine and is also packed.
Raw material for making detergent
Many types of chemicals are required to make detergent. The major ones are as follows:-
Soda Ash
Carboxy Methyl Cellulose
Trisodium Phosphate
Acid Slurry
Glauber Salt
Tripoly Phosphate
D Col
Colored Powder
What is the low and minimum cost of starting a business?
A businessman needs at least 5-6 lakh rupees to start a detergent powder business. In a remote area, it will cost at least one lakh rupees to buy 1000 to 1500 square feet of land and build a building on it, or it will cost almost the same to rent a factory in an industrial area. Machines will cost three lakh rupees. Raw material will cost one lakh rupees. Apart from this, electricity, water, employees, packing, marketing will cost up to one lakh rupees. In this way, it will cost 6 lakh rupees to set up a small detergent powder unit.
How to start selling your goods?
If you have prepared your product and have already done marketing for it, then it is fine, otherwise you will have to use many tricks to reach your goods to the customers. Since your product has to be sold on a local label, it will be best that you promote your product offline. That is, supply the goods to retailers in the market around you. In the beginning, no shopkeeper will want to take your goods because there will be no demand for it.
To create demand, you have to do one thing. First, estimate how much it costs you if you promote your product through various channels. Make a budget of half that expense and get gift pouches made in your factory from that budget and select some good colonies around your nearest market and give these gift pouches to those people for free during the promotion. The benefit of this will be that if the quality of your product is good and the rates are low, then definitely the demand for your product will increase at once. Local products are promoted only through word of mouth publicity. After this, if you give your product to any shopkeeper, he will take it easily because there will be a demand for your product.
The second way is that you talk to the wholesaler of your nearest market and ask him for a higher commission so that he can create a market for you by selling your product in the market. Because wholesalers have good relations with retailers. On the request of wholesalers, retailers will be ready to sell your product. Provided your quality should be like that of branded detergent powder and its rates should be quite low.