The amount of waste and garbage is increasing day by day. In such a situation, recycling business is a very good idea. This business can be done at a low cost in India and has a very good scope of growth. Machine, equipment, land, electricity, water, labor etc. can be arranged for 3 to 15 lakh rupees. The cost also depends on the level of your business.
This business comes under SME and is called a small industry. This business can be started with a good location and good information about the scrap dealers. Many types of materials can be recycled. You can choose any according to your capacity. If you want to get SME and MSME companies database, choose 77Data, which is one of the best b2b database provider company in India. It provides all types of business and industry database.
Plastic Recycling
Plastic is a huge opportunity in India. To set up a plant of a reasonable size, you will have to look for a land of 50 to 500 square feet. Along with this, you will need some high level machines like grinder, angle-machine, granule maker, cutter, weighing machine etc.
There should be good electricity supply to run the machines. You will also have to pay a fee to get the required permission from the Pollution Control Board.
Even if you exclude the cost of land, your expenses including machines, labour, buying plastic waste etc. will be around Rs 20 lakh.
Paper recycling
The business of paper recycling has been running for decades. It is the simplest, most traditional and popular business. Paper is used in large quantities and recycling ensures a continuous supply. This business model is quite simple. Due to the availability of sufficient waste, raw material is also easily available in this business.
You can set up your paper recycling plant by investing between Rs 3 to 15 lakh. For this, you will have to get permission from the local government managers and their related departments as well as make arrangements for electricity, water etc.
The demand for paper is very high all over the world, so if you want, you can go one level ahead and increase your profit manifold by exporting your recycled paper. However, even in the domestic market, you can earn a profit of 11 to 16 percent in this business.
Aluminum Waste Recycling
Aluminum is the most recycled metal in the world with the lowest risk. Everyone is using this metal in some form or the other. Aluminum cans are one of the most discarded materials. You have to collect these cans or other aluminum products in different ways and take them to your recycling plant. Here you can make a profit of 16 to 20 percent by giving it a new product form.
It costs around Rs 40 lakh to set up this plant in a standard area of 500 square meters. You will need an engineer and 5 team members in your team who have experience of working in this field.
To collect this waste, you can go to dustbins, junk centers etc. or you can also buy it from a junk dealer. You can contact industries, MNCs, vendors etc. to sell your recycled products. You can start earning profit from this business in just three months.
Food Waste Recycling
This is the most profitable industry in which a huge amount of waste is produced. Food waste can be converted into energy and power. You can create your own fertilizer brand by converting leftover food items into manure. Food waste is easily available in the market.
If seen, you will get a decent profit of about 15 percent in this business with a very low investment. Therefore, this option is quite better.
Electronic Waste Recycling
Electronic waste containing cadmium, phosphorus, lead, etc. is highly valuable and profitable. But due to the presence of some dangerous metals in electronic waste, you must take precautions. That is why it is very important to have experts in your team.
You will have to take the necessary permissions and get your documents prepared as per the norms given by the government. By doing this, you will be able to take the earth and the environment along with you in your business. By taking just a few precautions, you can get a good return on your investment in this business.
Vermi Compost Recycling
If you live in a rural area, then this idea can change your life by giving good profits. For this, you have to collect animal waste, food, leftover waste of fruits and vegetables etc. or any biodegradable material and deposit it in an area. You will easily find such waste in places like mandi.
After this, you will have to spend Rs 5 lakh for the machine. This machine quickly converts biodegradable waste into compost. After dumping, processing takes place in the machine for about 3 months, then the fertilizer produced can be sold at 6 times its production cost.
By gradually increasing production, you can also open your own fertilizer brand. The biggest advantage of making vermicompost is that its price keeps increasing every three months due to its increased fertility.
If you do not have the capital to set up a recycling plant, then do not lose hope
If you do not have the money to set up a recycling plant, then you can open your own waste collection center where the Municipal Corporation or other people can put their waste like plastic, aluminum cans, food waste, paper etc. After sorting the collected waste, you can sell it to the related industry or other big recycling centers. In this, you can keep a margin of 9 to 12 percent. For this, you just have to get permission from the concerned authorities to open your center and for the movement of your garbage collection vehicle. With time, you will grow and there will be stability in the business. Once your business gets established and you start earning well, you can start your own recycling plant.
How to get companies database?
Here are the verified companies list of manufacturing companies, corporate and many more.
I hope this blog post will help you find out best business ideas.